Hey Reader! This summer is going by way too fast! I’ve been busy with proposals and reports, and developing some communications for a really cool community literacy project. I’m coming up for air just in time for a few professional development and networking opportunities local to me. I’m excited to attend a GPA New England networking meeting (virtually) and attend a regional meeting for the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network. I’m looking forward to taking time to connect with community members and reflect on my practice in this field. Even as a typically shy and introverted individual, I find so much value in leaning into community. When an organization reaches out to me for advice about finding grants to support their programs, one of the first questions I ask is: “What local organizations have you already connected with or are currently fund your programs?” One of my best pieces of advice for the grant process: start locally. Reach out to businesses in the community you serve. Especially those who align with your mission. Especially if you are in your early stages of pursuing grant funding for your organization. These organizations tend to be more invested in your work because it supports their community. What better way to build a relationship? For instance, if your organization offers financial literacy classes, research and connect with each and every bank in your community to learn about potential grant opportunities. In addition to providing grant funding, they may also be able to sponsor an event and partner to serve as volunteers. Here are some potential community businesses to start your grant funding pursuits: ✔️Community Foundations ✔️Banks ✔️Grocery stores and department stores (for example, Target, Walmart, Kroger, or TJX) ✔️Utilities Companies (for example, National Grid or Eversource) Garnering local support for your mission establishes trust and credibility. Think about it, if funders who have their ear closer to the ground in your community aren’t supporting you, what might that suggest to grantmakers outside the community? And, developing relationships with local partners allows you all to make a greater impact on your community. Who doesn’t want that? Tap into your local network Take a look at who’s funding similar nonprofit organizations in your area. Perhaps your programs differ in age group or cities and towns you serve, but you have similar missions or cause areas. Visit their annual report or website to find out which grantmakers are supporting their projects. Reach out to the Executive Director or Development Director at the nonprofit. There’s so much potential to support your greater community by having conversations with other nonprofit leaders! Through this conversation, you can discuss a potential partnership that draws on the strength of each organization. I’m also a firm believer that in collaboration over competition — why not share insights to pursuing an aligned funding opportunity if it’ll help both (or all three) organizations serve the broader community? If you’re an established nonprofit, especially one working in multiple areas, you might find it’s time to extend beyond local grant opportunities. That’s great! I’ll share some insights about branching out in the next email. Until then, |
Hi! I'm Tiffany, and I'm a grant consultant specializing in education and youth development. I write a bi-weekly-ish newsletter titled, "Strategically Speaking," where I share tips and insights to help busy nonprofit leaders build out their grant strategy. I also include a couple of upcoming grant opportunities.
Strategically Speaking A newsletter focused on grant strategy with actionable tips and a few grant opportunities. Hey Reader, Yup, this newsletter has a new look and a new name. Hope you like it! Over the past several months, I've been thinking about how to make this newsletter a valuable resource for you and also something that I really enjoy writing. So, it was time for some reflection and a refresh. I've streamlined my service offers to focus solely on grants. While communication is so...
Hi Reader! If you’re anything like me, you hate seeing things used once and then discarded. I’m all about recycling and repurposing to get as much mileage as possible. 🍲 Last night’s dinner 🎨 a shoebox turned diorama (I was a crafty kid) 📄 Or that recently crafted grant proposal Content repurposing helps your nonprofit communicate with constituents and grantmakers without constantly recreating the wheel and stressing you out. Nonprofit employee burnout is a real thing, so, let’s do what we...
Hey Reader! It’s the start of summer and for some nonprofits that means slowing down a bit to reflect and prepare for the fall. For others, this is the season where you’re in the thick of things with summer camps, apprenticeships, strategic planning, outreach, and more. No matter which state of activity your organization is in right now, I hope you get time to decompress and set yourself up for a lower stress remainder of 2024. Nonprofit staff and educator burnout are real. And it’s causing a...